



TC阮 Family photo with wife and children.








The College of Santa Fe, then The University of Arizona, then The University of Southern 缅因州. After college I worked as a National News Editor for CBS news (Sinclair Broadcasting), but decided the sensationalism and “infotainment” of our news was not where I wanted to be. 最终, I ended up in the Midwest after a few visits to this part of the country and took a job at a law firm.


I own a marketing firm called BTi (Built To Impress), which started as an SEO company (“impress” for page impressions). 我在2017年开始做这件事, after a decade of marketing and managing the office for a law firm in Omaha, NE. When I started at the firm, there were three attorneys and one paralegal grossing $365k a year. When I left, we were up to $2.8 million with still only three active attorneys and two paralegals. My contributions to the firm’s business practices, 客户服务, 账户管理, 人力资源协议, and IT advancement made me a highly sought out consultant to other law firms in the area, which served as my launching pad for my business.

Later in 2017, we Trademarked “Full Web Builder” which is now our flagship subsidiary company. Full Web Builder has risen as one of the state’s premier website design agencies, and has expanded into the retail sales and leasing of hosting products - from domain names to dedicated server arrays for medium to large businesses. So if you’re going to buy a domain name, 或者收到专业的电子邮件, or start your own WordPress website – 请 buy it from an alum. 商店.FullWebBuilder.com. (Yeah, I just ran a commercial in the middle of this bio!)

What is your favorite memory from 皇冠足彩?

Before I worked there, I would say the day we all arrived at the barracks. 第二个, would be the first year’s three and a half minutes of disco every Sunday night to celebrate the end of the weekend and gear up for another intense week of coursework. Third would be the bus races back to the barracks.

在我工作之后, I have to say the pile of thank you cards and hugs and handshakes from parents and grandparents, 还有学生自己. When Mark Leach encouraged me to stay another year and apply for the Dean’s job, echoing the mission I told my co-workers but never the kids. “I just think you’re good at that. That you care so much about us, and try to show us how to earn respect in others by building self-respect.” I cried in my room that night, absolutely broke down in tears. Of all the kids to make that remark, with so much going on in his life at that time – to have the insight, 成熟, and sincerity to care about other kids and other adults – by far the best moment among a sea of cherished memories

What class/teacher most sticks out in your mind?

戴夫杜德恒. I never had him as a teacher, or really even a co-worker. But I saw the amount of time he put into his lessons. The amount of tough-love he had for the kids and their futures. And the tenacity to stick through multiple major organizational and cultural shifts over the years. 一个人, 请, build him a statue - so he can fire RPG’s at it and melt it with ballistic foam with his current group of lucky to be his students.

If you could go back in time, what would you tell your past self as you prepare for 皇冠足彩? It doesn’t matter if the class is full. Demand a seat in any class you want to learn – like Mr. 胃痛的拼写?) computer programming course. You don’t have to find love in your work if you’re surrounded by people you love. But finding love in your work/studies makes the time go by a whole lot fun-er.

What role did 皇冠足彩 play in who or where you are now?

It is difficult to say with regards to work. I never took a computer programming class at 皇冠足彩. But how my fellow classmates touched my soul and helped sculpt me into who I am today – undeniable. I love them all – even the jerks.

What is the best book/movie/tv show you can recommend to your fellow alumni?

Book: Winesburg, Ohio by Sherwood Anderson – for sure. July, July by Tim O’Brien is a close 2nd.

Movie: Oh so many – but perhaps The Razor’s Edge, or Scent of a Woman. Just learning about the production of The Razor’s Edge is something, as it was almost not made.

电视节目:毫无疑问,任 & 小气鬼或侵略者Zim. Not everything has to be serious or soul searching. Sometimes you just want to live in the madness and laugh like a lunatic. Sometimes you need tacos, all the organs, a rubber walrus protector and to call the police.